Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Remembering 911

Every year around this time I get very emotional. Too many people lost their lives as a result of that fateful day 11 years ago. I always think back to where I was when I heard the shattering news. I was a senior in high school and I happened to accidently sleep in that day. When I was finished getting dressed I walked into the living room and saw my dad covering his mouth with his eyes fixed on the TV. I rushed over to see what he was watching and he said, "Something horrible just happened, planes crashed into the Trade Center and the Pentagon." I didn't understand what was going on, all I remember was my heart was beating out of my chest.

I went to school and most of the classes consisted of everyone just watching the news silently. One instructor made a tearful statement at the beginning of his class saying, "I can't imagine how many people just like you and I showed up to work this morning and won't ever be returning home. May God help us on this dark day." We had a period of silence filled with sniffles. Everyone was in complete shock.

My next class was held a bit differently. I'll never forget the arrogant jerk of an instructor who made a statement of his own, "I'm not going to let the current events taking place to interrupt my class. I have a schedule to attend to and today is like no other day." Almost immediately half of the class arose and walked out. He threatened to suspend us, but no one flinched. We were just 17 years old and we felt the pulse of the situation. Our Country had been invaded and attacked. People were STILL suffering and dying that very moment, and he expected us to sit through a humanities lecture. If you ask me he needed a lecture on compassion for humankind. Such an ass wad clown faced troll of a loser. I hope he reads this.

Let today be a day where we honor those who lost their lives or loved ones as a result. Our troops have been brave and strong and we've lost too many from the war that was stirred up soon after. I will say a prayer for my fellow Americans to remain united, despite the drift that an election year always seems to bring. We need to set aside our differences and hold true to the American dream that those bastards tried to shatter 11 years ago. We are the United States, let's remain UNITED!

Now go and kiss your families!

Land of the Free

Home of the Brave

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